Stat Tiers

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Stat Tiers Empty Stat Tiers

Post by «Cardinal System» Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:42 am

Basic Stat tiers


tier I: 0-10
The Demon can move at 10  Meter per Second

tier II:11-15
The Demon can move 13 Meters per second

tier III:16-25 .
The Demon can move 15 Meter per Second

tier IV 26-35
The Demon can move at 18  meters per second

36-45 tier V
The Demon can move at 25 Meters per second

tier VI: 46-65
The Demon can move at 30 meter per second

tier VII66-80
The Demon can move at 35 meter per second


tier I:5-10
Deeper bruising, hits cause tears in skin, can break cartilage and cause minor fractures in bone with repeated hits to the same area.

tier II: 11-15 points
Internal bruising/concussion if hit in the head, 2 direct hits to the same area can cause minor fractures.

tier III: 16-25
Hits cause minor fractures, five meter knockback, direct hits can cause multiple fractures.

tier IV: 26-35
Direct hits can break bone, serious internal bruising (but not bleeding), up to ten meter knock back.

tier V: 36-45
Hits can break bones, direct hits can cause internal bleeding and organ damage.

tier VI: 46-65
Direct hits can still cause internal bleeding and hits can still break bone, sustained direct hits can cause serious organ damage.

tier VII 66-80
Hits can break bone and cause internal bleeding, sustained direct hits can cause lethal organ failure.


tier I: 0-10
Even tier 3 basic attacks will do extra damage on this person, and will easily make them flinch. Wounds of any rank will severely limit their functionality in battle.

tier II: 11-15
The Demon is able to resist flinching against tier 3 basic attacks.

tier III: 16-25
Halves forced knock back from tier 3 or lower basic attacks, able to fight through pain of tier 3 or lower wounds unhindered.

tier IV: 26-35
The Demons body is honed to be tougher than average, it takes higher strength to break their cartilage than before

tier V: 36-45
The ninja no longer bruises as easily, reducing the bruises from basic strikes of tier 4 or below

tier VI 46-65
The user has honed their muscles and skin to reduce topical bruises by one degree (Heavy becomes moderate, moderate becomes light)

tier VII: 66-80
The Demon can fight through pain, and maintain the use of limbs which have sustained minor fractures, with no penalty to their usage.


tier I: 5-10
The character can hit objects moving at 8  meters per second

tier II:11-15
The character can hit objects moving at 10 Meters per second

tier III:16-25 .
The character can hit objects moving at 13 meters per second

tier IV 26-35
The character can hit objects moving at 15 meters per second

36-45 tier V
The character can hit objects moving at 18 meters per second

tier VI: 46-65
The character can hit objects moving at 25 meters per second

tier VII66-80
The character can hit objects moving at 30 meters per second


tier I: 0-10
Average human level senses

tier II:11-15
can sometimes detect movement within their personal space (3m) through minute sounds like light footsteps or the air breaking over or around someone/thing.

tier III:16-25 .
Can hear heavy breathing or panting, as well as voices from up to 15 meters away. Enhanced sense of balance.

tier IV 26-35
Heightened hearing: could pinpoint the dripping of blood or water, as well as heavy breathing, in a 20 meter radius.

36-45 tier V
Senses bordering superhuman, with focused effort able to navigate any terrain with any one sense, and able to hear wind rushing over and around solid substances up to 15 meters away.

tier VI: 46-65
Even in a noisy area, the vampire can clearly focus on a specific noise or conversation within 20 meters of themselves.

tier VII 66-80
The Vampire can operate at almost peak efficiency with only one sense available, merely depending on their their sense of space, scale, and equilibrium. It is almost impossible to hide something from this Vampire.


tier I: 0-10
Takes a 3rd of aseconds to react.

tier II:11-15
Takes a half of second to react

tier III:16-25 .
Takes a 25th of a second to react

tier IV 26-35
Takes a 10th of a second to react

36-45 tier V
Takes a 5th of a second to react

tier VI: 46-65
Takes a 16 th of a second to react

tier VII 66-80
Takes a 32nd of a second to react.
«Cardinal System»
«Cardinal System»

Adventures : 98
Join date : 2015-07-09

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